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How To Move On, Let Go & Leave Your Past in The Past (Powerful Speech)

How to advance and leave the past behind

it's a strange time we're living in
right now we're people from the
countries that have the most feel like
they have the least people that live in
countries that have the most reason to
be happy
seem to have the least amount of
happiness why is this is it comparison
comparing ourselves to everyone who has
more in this social media world we live
in never feeling enough because another
will always be better in some area
comparison is the thief of joy never
compare yourself to others it doesn't
matter how great you are if you are not
grateful for who you are and what you
have you'll never be happy there's
always going to be someone who has more
money than you there will always be
someone doing better than you someone
fitter than you better-looking than you
if you are always comparing yourself
you'll always lose one thing other
people will never have over you they are
not you your greatest asset is that you
are unique and when you are free to be
exactly as you are that's the greatest
way to live the less you care the
happier you
unhappiness and depression comes when
you focus on what you don't have instead
if we appreciate what we do have and
focus on where we do want to be we can
feel better almost instantly
appreciation and gratitude is the single
most powerful way out of depression or
any low states you cannot feel both deep
gratitude and negativity at the same
time if you can you're not feeling the
gratitude you might be saying you're
grateful but you couldn't be feeling it
because science shows that gratitude and
depression do not go together
another important principle that helps
many who suffer with depression and
anxieties is this
they are almost certainly in every case
not depressed or suffering with anxiety
a hundred percent of the time they have
a selective depression selective anxiety
there are moments even if they are brief
of laughter of feeling hopeful about the
brief moments of happiness of connection
with others brief moments of love and
feeling good it's certainly not a
conscious selection rather something
that comes about with triggers and from
a lifetime of conditioned thoughts I can
only be happy if X Y & Z occurs in my
having basics like I can only be happy if
will always ensure unhappiness because
life always throws challenges and
obstacles your way keeping this in mind
you then can understand on an
intellectual level that depression and
anxiety does not have to be permanent
you can figure out why you feel down by
learning about how your brain works how
your mind works and you'll direct it to
something that feels much better
long-term comparison is another big
issue especially these days with the
increase in social media and the amazing
revelation of filters filters that make
you look like a supermodel in one swipe
but also the filters many apply to their
lives like exaggerating everything in
their life to make themselves look
bigger and better and leaving out all
the negative things that are really
causing them pain the happiest people on
earth do not compare themselves to
others ever they run their own race and
they are happy for all others to run
in their own time and their own way
happy people don't have the best of
everything they make the best of
things will never work out as planned
this is life not a movie how you reply to how things work out will determine
the quality of your life let me ask you
this do you believe
there has ever in the history of this
world lived a human that was depressed
beyond measure in a world of suffering
but still somehow managed to turn it
around and create a life not only
amazing to him but envied by others of
course there has the truth is the pain
you feel when you are depressed is
coming from your thoughts about your
current life situation or situations not
the events but your thoughts about the
events change your thoughts and you
change your life use the pain for a
greater benefit the key principle in
overcoming unhappiness of depression is
not to focus on the depression that's
what most people do and the reason it
never goes away
instead you should focus on where you
want to be focus on the feelings you
want to feel focus on the person you
want to become and work towards doing
the things that you must do to become
that person
feel how you would feel if everything in
your life fell into place one of the
fastest ways out of depression is to
create a compelling future a greater
purpose for your life if you are
genuinely excited for your future you
can't be miserable now and you can let
go of anything that is in the past the
thing that keeps one going is having a
sense of fear
the thing that tears us down is not
having one set meaningful goals that get
you working towards something that
excites you don't be attached to
outcomes or gaining of material things
but get excited about who you will
become how you will develop and who you
will be able to help as a result of you
creating this amazing life for yourself
who will benefit from you living a
happier life who will benefit from you
being the example for others

Watch this video and go